University Hospital


University Hospital

  • Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University Hospital
  • Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University Wakabayashi Hospital

Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University Hospital

The former Tohoku Pharmaceutical University Hospital which succeeded the Tohoku Social Security Hospital rebuilt at the current location in 1982 was reborn as Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University Hospital on April 1, 2016, as a consequence of the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine at Tohoku Pharmaceutical University. In addition to the role of both the improving the community healthcare and the fostering the medical professionals including pharmacists, nurses and physical therapists, Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University Hospital will contribute to alleviating the shortage of doctors in the Tohoku region through training and producing the excellent doctors.

Message from the hospital director

Hospital Director
SATOH Kennichi

The former Tohoku Pharmaceutical University Hospital, which succeeded the Tohoku Social Security Hospital built at the current location in 1982, was reborn as Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University Hospital in 2016, with the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine at Tohoku Pharmaceutical University. The university and hospital have an explicit mission to support community medicine in Tohoku area. The entire hospital staff provides advanced, high-quality medical treatments rooted in a spirit of compassion --the basic philosophy of the hospital --and will keep making efforts to cultivate excellent health care professionals who can play important roles in community medicine.

Hospital Director SATOH Kennichi
  • Hospital motto
    Be Loyal, Be Compassionate
  • Hospital Philosophy
    To serve with sincerity and compassion.
  • Basic Policies
    Heartfelt medical care
    State-of-the-art medical care
    Comprehensive medical care
  • Number of sickbeds
    600 (general: 554, psychiatric: 46)
  • Operating rooms
Primary medical institution designation
  • Health insurance medical institution
  • Regional medical support hospital
  • Clinical training hospital
  • Hospital designated as an emergency medical institution
  • Disaster base hospital
  • Miyagi DMAT designated hospital
  • Sendai City Medical Center for Dementia designated hospital
  • Designated cancer hospital
  • Base hospital for higher brain dysfunction support
  • Sendai city on-duty system cooperation hospital
  • Hospital participating in the Obstetric Medical Compensation System
  • Hospital accredited by the Japan Institute for Medical Function Evaluation
  • ISO 15189 (Clinical laboratories - specific requirements for quality competence) accredited laboratories, etc.
  • Hybrid operating room
    The Hospital has newly introduced a hybrid operating room equipped with a dedicated bed and the latest angiography equipment to perform high-precision endovascular treatment and surgical treatment, such as bypasses, at the same time. Advanced treatments including stent graft endarterectomy for aneurysms can now be performed in a safer environment.
  • Surgical assist robot "da Vinci"
    Forceps and other instruments are inserted into the body through a small hole opened in the patient’ s abdomen, operated by a doctor sitting at a remote control platform. The monitor screen attached to the control platform allows the doctor to view the inside of the abdominal cavity as a 3D (three-dimensional) image, enabling the safe performance of precision surgery.
  • Neurosurgery Operating Microscope
  • Ophthalmology Operating Microscope
  • Otorhinolaryngology Operating Microscope
  • Angiography
  • Radiotherapy equipment
  • CT system
  • MRI machine
  • Gamma Camera

Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University Wakabayashi Hospital

Originally established as NTT East Tohoku Hospital, our facility became an affiliated hospital named Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University Wakabayashi Hospital in April 2016.
As the only hospital with all-round functions situated within Wakabayashi Ward, Sendai, our facility supports secondary medical care in the region. Making the advantages of being a medium-sized hospital (127 beds) with specialists allocated respective departments, we are promoting holistic and safe medical care, comprehensive team medicine, cooperation with local medical institutions and stable hospital management. The hospital also provides preventive medicine including health screening as well as various courses and classes to support medical care in a multifaceted manner. In addition, we focus on medical and pharmaceutical education utilizing the characteristic features of the hospital and contribute to the university’s mission of fostering medical professionals in the Tohoku region.

Message from the hospital director

Hospital Director
AKAI Hiroaki

TMPU Wakabayashi Hospital was founded in 1979 by Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation, which has occupied the same location in Wakabayashi-ku, Sendai-shi, since its inception. Over the course of its history, which spans several decades and the Great East Japan Earthquake, has continued to serve the community's health needs. The Faculty of Medicine graduated its first class of 90 new doctors in March 2022, and the hospital played a key role in preparing those graduates for their careers: when the Faculty opened six years ago, the hospital became the program's affiliate medical institution. We are also the only general hospital in Wakabayashi-ku. Recognizing the role that we play as a central hospital in the community, which involves offering people in Wakabayashi-ku, Taihaku-ku, Natori-Shi and Iwanuma-shi a source of medical care, health support, and peace of mind.

Hospital Director AKAI Hiroaki
  • Hospital Philosophy
    We uphold the protection of human rights and the dignity of life,and strive to provide warm-hearted, high-quality medical care.
  • Basic Policies
    1.To provide holistic medical care.
    2.Promote the continuity of safe medical care.
    3.To provide advanced and comprehensive team medicine.
    4.To promote cooperation with local medical institutions.
    5.To continue our studies and reflect daily on medical care.
    6.To promote vigorous hospital management.
  • Number of sickbeds
    127 (General: 95, recovery-phase rehabilitation ward: 20, community comprehensive care ward: 12)
  • Dialysis Center
    The Dialysis Center for hemodialysis administration has introduced online HDF (hemodiafiltration) in addition to the mainstream HD (hemodialysis) treatment method. The Center also provides plasma exchange and other special purification therapies. In 2018, the Hospital received certification as a facility related to education by the Japanese Society of Dialysis Medicine.
  • Health checkup center
    Our Health Examination Center strives to detect and prevent diseases in their early stages by providing a full range of examinations, individual guidance by our dedicated doctors, and careful health guidance. In the event a detailed examination or treatment is required, the center is capable of promptly providing consistent medical services spanning prevention to treatment.