Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Dean, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Professor YOSHIMURA Yuichi
The Departments of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Life Sciences comprehensively develop human resources who can play an active role in the various settings and situations of community medicine.
The environment surrounding pharmacists is changing due to advanced medical care, Japan's declining birthrate and aging population, and the shifting roles of pharmacists. Pharmacies are also playing a new role in the region through a certified pharmacy system consisting of two types: "local alliance pharmacies" and "pharmacies allied with specialized medical institutions." Fostering pharmacists who can adapt to new tasks and promoting basic and applied research related to medical care are major educational and research goals for us. The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University is committed to developing human resources who can play active roles in all fields of medical care, especially to fostering pharmacists who have practical abilities in pharmacotherapy with strong communication skills, a focus on self-improvement, and the capability to work closely with the community and patients. To achieve these goals, our faculty promotes education and research in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and the Department of Pharmaceutical Life Sciences.
The Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences aims to train pharmacists, maintaining a rich sense of ethics as medical professionals committed to the exploration of advanced pharmacotherapy, and possessing the awareness and practical ability to actively contribute to the prevention and treatment of diseases and the promotion of health.
The field in which pharmacists play an active role is becoming increasingly sophisticated and fragmented.
The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences aims to train students to clearly envision the image of the pharmacist each student wishes to become,providing them with the expertise and flexibility to respond to various cases asthe division of labor continues.
In the first and second years, students study a wide range of basic subjects including physics, chemistry, and pharmacognosy, while also cultivating a rich culture through comprehensive subjects such as foreign languages and ethics. In their third and fourth years, students deepen their understanding of pharmacology and conduct preliminary studies in preparation for practical training.
From the fifth year, students spend a total of five months in practical training at hospitals and pharmacies, deemed necessary as qualif icat ion for the nat ional pharmacist examination. Additionally, students are assigned to classrooms or laboratories, to spend two years working on problem- ased graduation research.
Through educational programs building upon the educational philosophy upheld by our University, students will be awarded a degree (Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences) after acquiring the knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to become pharmacists, also maintaining an awareness demanded of medical professionals as described below, and completing the prescribed credits.
Students are required to possess a rich cultural background as a medical professional, a deep awareness of the dignity of life, and a sense of mission and responsibility to protect life and health.
Students are required to possess the communication skills needed to collect and provide appropriate information for patients and their families, staff involved in medical care and social security, and others.
Students are to be equipped with the knowledge and awareness to actively participate in efforts to improve the health and well-being of the overall community.
Students are required to acquire specialized knowledge and skills in the fields of life science, medicine, and pharmaceuticals, necessary to provide effective and safe comprehensive pharmacotherapy appropriate for the patient's condition, and to be able to actively participate in team medicine.
Students are required to understand the effects of pharmaceuticals and chemical substances on living organisms, and possess the knowledge and logical thinking skills necessary for the identification and solving of problems in order to contribute to the maintenance of health and the advancement and improvement of medical care.
Students are required to be able to continue with their self-improvement with a high level of motivation to learn, so that the benefits of scientific and medical advances can be provided to patients and consumers throughout their lives.
This program aims to nurture students to play active roles in various health-related fields with a rich sense of ethics as individuals engaged in pharmacy and life sciences, exploring life sciences spanning the two realms of medicine and pharmacy, and acquiring high-level specialized knowledge.
The number of elective biology courses has increased from the 2020 academic year with the introduction of new curriculums. We aim to develop graduates capable of being involved in cutting-edge technologies including genomic medicine, regenerative medicine, and biopharmaceuticals, subjects which have attracted a great deal of attention in recent years.
Through an educational program based on the educational philosophy of the institute, students acquiring the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to become researchers and engineers in the fields of pharmacy and life sciences as described below, and those earning the prescribed credits, will be awarded the degree of Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Life Sciences.
Students are required to have a rich education as individuals engaged in pharmacy and life sciences, a deep awareness of the dignity of life, and a sense of mission and responsibility for the roles they will play in society.
As individuals committed to the study of pharmacology and life sciences, students are required to be capable of actively interacting with society, collecting and analyzing information voluntarily in a wide range of fields, and ef fectively communicating the results of their studies.
Students are required to understand the effects of pharmaceuticals and related substances on living organisms, acquire specialized knowledge and skills in biochemistry, molecular biology, genetic engineering, etc., essential for genomic drug discovery and the pursuit of life sciences.
Students are required to acquire specialized knowledge and skills in physical and analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, hygienic chemistry, immunology, pharmacology, pharmaceutics, and pharmacotherapeutics, fundamental to research for drug discovery.
Based on the founding spirit of ""The Pursuit of Truth"", students are required to remain committed to an attitude of searching for the truth and be able to seek and solve problems voluntarily.
Students are required to be able to continue with their self-improvement with a high level of motivation to learn, so that the benefits of scientific and medical advances can be provided to patients and consumers throughout their lives.